Coronavirus Quarantine: 14 Tips From Latin Stars to Stay Busy

One of the basic protective measures against the spread of coronavirus is to maintain social distancing. This is why many concerts, music festivals and events — including Billboard and Telemundo’s LatinFest+ and the Billboard Latin Music Awards — have been getting canceled or postponed.

Quarantine has been strictly enforced amid the global pandemic to help prevent the disease from spreading. These challenging times can take a heavy toll on society; however, many people are seeing the bright side and making the best of social distancing.

For those who want to keep busy during quarantine, see the tips below as encouraged by Latin artists such as Lali, Gloria Trevi, Carlos Vives and many more below.

1. Read a book

Read a book or journal — and while you’re at it, drink some tea like Lali.


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Esto de la cuarentena hace pensar mucho sobre mucho❣️ #yomequedoencasa

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2. Follow safety tips

Sing your favorite songs every time you wash your hands — another basic protective measure. Gloria Trevi gives a perfect example below.


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El mundo te pertenece cuidémoslo y cuidémonos #quédateencasa #aplanalacurva

A post shared by Gloria Trevi (@gloriatrevi) on

3. Explore new music

Listen to J Balvin’s new album Colores, out Friday.

4. Listen to your favorite album

Listen to Bad Bunny’s history-making YHLQMDLG while you’re at it.


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*Yo en el DIA 3 de CUARENTENA* Que diablos está haciendo ustedes pa’ entretenerse????

A post shared by BAD | BUNNY (@badbunnypr) on

5. Seek inspiration

Get inspired by your surroundings to write music. Franco De Vita did so and has encouraged his colleagues, such as Kany Garcia and Carlos Rivera, to do the same.

6. Enjoy nature

CNCO’s Christopher Velez is disconnecting from it all and enjoying nature from his balcony.


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▪️Quédense en casa stay home people▪️ Esperemos que todo esto pase pronto #yomequedoencasa

A post shared by Christopher Velez Muñoz (@christopherbvelezm) on

7. Play (or learn) an instrument

Bring out your instruments and serenade your friends social media. Camilo’s already on it!


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Cantar… hasta que la cuarentena parezca vacaciones.

A post shared by C A M I L O (@camilomusica) on

8. Reflect

Juanes is spending his quarantine reflecting on his life.


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#JuntosSomosMasFuertes #QuedateEnCasa

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9. Write poetry

Beatriz Luengo is so moved by the acts of humanity amid coronavirus that she even wrote a poem.


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Ahora que se apagaron las luces de Disney, que Madrid demostró que sí duerme y que no todos los caminos llevan a Roma, ahora extrañar lo cotidiano nos pone tristes. Ahora que la mente hace un repaso Que deseamos vernos con una amiga en el restaurante que está a la vuelta, donde decidimos mirar nuestros teléfonos y no escucharnos, donde “compartir” sólo se refería a la cuenta. Ahora que anhelamos un beso nos acordamos cuantas veces levantarnos para darlo fue molesto Cuando la pereza nos justificó Ya lo diste ayer y lo darás mañana” ahora recordar lo que perdimos nos da rabia. Ahora que la calle está en silencio que el vecino se convierte en tu aliado Nos preguntamos hace cuánto tiempo vino, si tiene hijos y porque nunca le has hablado. Ahora que el único ruido que hay está en tu alma extrañando lo cotidiano, crujiendo a la incertidumbre, temblándole al miedo. Quizás descubrimos que sin tecnología vivimos durante siglos y que tal y como vino hoy podría irse mañana, pero tu vecino estará ahí si lo necesitas, y que tu amiga la que estaba sentada contigo en el restaurante necesitaba un abrazo, sólo eso. Tan prohibido hoy. Tan valorado en este momento. Quizás eso vinimos a aprender…

A post shared by Beatriz Luengo (@beatrizluengo) on

10. Spend time with family

Use the time to reconnect with your loved ones, like Carlos Vives in the video below.


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Aprovechemos este tiempo para reconectarnos con nuestras familias. Cuídate y cuidémonos #NoTeVayasDeTuCasa

A post shared by Carlos Vives (@carlosvives) on

11. Cook and pick up new recipes

While Ana Gabriel’s here cooking meatballs and dancing to “I Feel It Coming,” why not cook dinner for your loved ones while listening to your favorite jam?


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En mi cuarentena haciendo albóndigas

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12. Get creative with your significant other

Spend quality time with bae! On Instagram stories, Anuel AA and Karol G were seen playing videos, drinking wine and listening to music. Also, hanging out at the jacuzzi.

13. Get creative

J Quiles totally gets it! Throw a party for one….

14. TikTok it out

When all else fails, film silly videos on TikTok like Sebastian Yatra.


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En lo que va mi desparche Jajajaj síganme en @tiktok y díganme que hacer ‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️

A post shared by Sebastian Yatra (@sebastianyatra) on

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease at the end of 2019, more than 184,000 people have contracted the disease, resulting in more than 7,500 deaths according to the World Health Organization. Covid-19 has reached more than 150 countries and every U.S. state.

Basic protective measures against the novel coronavirus, according to WHO, include washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

For more information about covid-19 visit the WHO or CDC websites.

Coronavirus Quarantine: 14 Tips From Latin Stars to Stay Busy