Amara La Negra, Residente & More Latin Artists Speak Out After George Floyd's Death

Latin artists like Residente, Amara La Negra, Ricky Martin, Becky G, Luis Fonsi, Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro, among others, are speaking out after the death of George Floyd to demand justice and express their solidarity with the black community.

In the midst of national outrage over yet another black person’s death at the hands of police — Floyd was suffocated by a Minneapolis police officer during an arrest — Puerto Rican rapper/songwriter Residente shared with his millions of followers on social media the number to call to report the police officers involved in the death of Floyd. “I’m] reporting the police officers involved in the killing of George Floyd. You just have to call +1 6123244499 and follow the instructions,” he wrote.

Amara La Negra took the streets of Miami to join the thousands of protesters around the country demanding justice and an end to systemic racism. “I am Dominican and proud of it. My parents are Dominican. But first I AM BLACK. And I will always defend my people. I have always talked about the discrimination I have suffered, we have suffered.”

Meanwhile, Ricky Martin shared part of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “The Other America” speech: “And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention.”

Earlier this week, a video of Floyd’s death surfaced showing Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of Floyd for eight minutes. Chauvin was later charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Floyd.

Over the weekend, a number of Latin artists joined the cry for justice on social media. See their posts below.

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Yo Soy Dominicana y orgullosa de Serlo! Ya que mis padres son dominicanos. Pero Primero SOY NEGRA! Y Siempre defender a Mi Raza! A las injusticias! Siempre lo he hecho esto no es nuevo. siempre he hablado de la discriminación que he sufrido y sufrimos! Es muy fácil juzgar y criticar pero si usted no nació en este color de piel tal vez nunca entenderá lo que se siénte ser negro en este mundo! Cómo la gente mira a uno.. cómo te juzgan sin conocerte por el color de tu piel! Ya estamos hartos del racismo! De que piensen que somos menos que nadie! No tan solo en este País! Si no en el mundo entero!!!!!!!!!!! No estoy de acuerdo con lo que muchos están haciendo! utilizando violencia, rompiendo y acabando con nuestra comunidad sin embargo entiendo y reconozco que por años se han hecho marchas ,se ha protestado se han mandado cartas al gobierno , a el presidente y nada cambia! Nadie hace nada! todo lo que está pasando en estos momentos es porque el pueblo está adolorido! frustrado! De los abusos! De qué nos discriminen! nos maten! Y qué nadie haga nada! Que no les importan! El que yo sea latina no me hace menos negra! Y la discriminación no es solamente con los negros también pasa con los latinos! Es tan triste muchos gozan de nuestra música de nuestro arte de nuestras mujeres de nuestros hombres sin embargo en momentos como este veo a muchos callados! Este es el momento de hablar! De actuar! Unidos somos más Fuertes! El mundo nunca cambiará si tú no aportas! Si no ayudas! Ayúdame por favor! Habla! Protesta! Di halgo!!!! No es justo porfavor! Llegamos a este país como esclavos y es 2020 y todavía no hay igualdad de derechos para nosotros! #UnidosSomosMasFuertes ✊✊✊

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Your struggle is my struggle. Tu lucha es mi lucha.

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For days I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, analyzing a never ending problem. My heart hurts for the brutal murder of George Floyd may God Rest His Soul. #justiceforgeorgefloyd My heart goes to his family and his loved ones. Justices needs to be served. We have a problem, a problem with no signs of ending. It’s not that there is more cases, people are filming now. Being a latino immigrant was tough and it still is. When i came to this country I automatically became a victim. I am NO LONGER A VICTIM. I know who i am,i know where i came from and i know where i want to be. I will always stand for what’s right not because of race but also because we are HUMAN and thats the only race. There are bad cops and good cops, there bad people and good people. Lets not mess it up for the ones trying to do GOOD. We need to be better, i see people posting posting and posting, next day they are in a boat partying or continuing there little “Perfect Lives.” Thats the fakest shit ever. Awareness? What more awareness do we need? It is evident that whats been going on for years and years is not a secret. How can we make the change? Lets find the ROOT and outsmart them. Lets prove to them we are NO THUGS, there favorite cynical frase. Im really mad, YOU are mad and you have all the right to be mad but we can do better and not feed from ignorance. I was reading about how can we make a change. I saw Kim Kardashian fighting for the prison reform. Is like how can you make a change in a broken and corrupted system. She started going to law school to break in the system and make a real change and thats the smart way to do it. She went to the root of the problem. Lets Have a Voice by Voting! We are smart, we can break into the system without looting and destroying our home but by attacking the problem from the root. Trust me is gonna be tough and challenging BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Remember We Cant Put Out Fire With Fire. Love and Wisdom will rule and conquer. Love y’all and please be safe -Maffio

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