Ari Lennox believed “The Maury Show” was making fun of black people’s noses, so she sent a brief message to the popular talk show.
For decades, Maury has been entertaining daytime television audiences with its outrageous guests. People from all walks of life have taken to host Maury Povich’s stage to share explosive details about their unbelievable personal relationships. ‘You are/are not the father!” has become a staple in pop culture, but as loved as the Maury phenomenon may be, isn’t letting the show get away with allegedly making fun of the physical features of black people.

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The First Lady of Dreamville is often outspoken on her social media platforms. Ari Lennox has never had any issue with speaking her mind, so when she believed The Maury Show was teasing a person about big noses, she had a message for the television show. A person on Twitter shared a photo of a black father and son with the caption, “No DNA test needed in this case right?” as they tagged Maury. The show retweeted the post with an addition: “He nose he’s the father.”
Ari saw the exchange and wrote, “And f*ck you Maury.” People immediately came after the singer, accusing her of being too sensitive about a joke. Yet, there were others who came to her defense, accusing shows like Maury and The Jerry Springer Show of exploiting marginalized communities for entertainment and profit. In the past, , so it can be a touchy subject for the Soul singer. Read through a few messages below.