Following a seven-year hiatus, BMW Films officially returns with a new short film titled “THE CALM†which officially premiered at the 76th Cannes International Film Festival. As with past films, including 2001’s The Hire series and the “The Escape†short film in 2016, the automaker enlists powerhouse talent, with Uma Thurman and Pom Klementieeff in the title roles. MCU stuntman and fight director Sam Handgrave (Extraction) directs the film, Joseph Kosinski (Top Gun: Maverick) serves as Executive Producer, and the musical score is done by none other than Hans Zimmer.
“A mysterious passenger, must fight her way through a web of obstacles to avoid jeopardizing her mission – until she ends up at the Hotel Martinez in Cannes and meets Uma Thurman. A short film full of action, twists and… silence,†writes the official synopsis.
“THE CALM†is set primarily in the cabin of the BMW i7 M70, the first luxury electric car with an M engine. Acoustics play a big role in the film, with the sequence dubbed “the first silent car chase.†While in most cases the plot is very much integrated with the sound design, Hargrave explains that sometimes the absence of sound is more effective than an expansive score or big sound effects.
“I’ve always been a fan of the BMW Films movies, so joining ‘The Calm,’ which is the first film in the franchise in seven years, as the first female lead, is very exciting. I had an awesome experience working with Joseph Kosinski, Sam Hargrave, and the entire cast and crew to help make this vision come to life,†Klementieff tells Hypebeast.
Take a look at the film above and learn more at the BMW website.
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