Zaza is a song based on escaping your problems and imagining better. We work hard every day hoping to be free in the future. The path to being free is stressful all we can do is look to temporary escapes to ease the journey.
Snowballed by an unprecedented global crisis, suddenly R&B-rapper-songwriter Bosco Babyy (a.k.a. Myles Austin), was forced to alter his artistic direction as the world hovered on the brink of change. Distancing, he emerged himself in his music to record 13 tracks, and 3 snippets in just 28 hours to deliver his debut album, DAYS WE FORGET.
Follow Bosco Babyy
Website | https://boscobabyy.com/album/1822954/apocalypse-ep
Twitter | https://twitter.com/BoscoBabyy
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/boscobabyy/?hl=en
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4qCsb-1HUno-gELI9nV1yQ?view_as=subscriber
Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bosco-babyy-0729a2186/
Soundcloud | https://soundcloud.com/boscox1997