With a new decade beginning when the clock strikes midnight, you can expect a whole lot more content like this. If you’re scrolling through your social media pages, there’s a good chance you’ve already come across some year-end and decade-end celebrations from your favorite artists and celebrities. . joined in the fun by reflecting on all that she’s accomplished in the last ten years, detailing her struggle as she became a world-famous rapper after starting off the decade in a tiny studio apartment in the Bronx.

Cardi B Reflects On The Last Decade: From Stripping To Singing
Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Writing out a message to her fans, Cardi B travelled back to when she had just gotten out of high school, struggling to make ends meet and turning to the strip club to fund her lifestyle. “2010 I was fresh outta high school. I stopped going to college, stripped 6 nights a week till I got my own studio apartment in the BX. Im ending the decade with a lot of accomplishments in my career. Owning properties including my dream home with a beautiful family and lots more in 2020… Moral of the story is BITCH BE PATIENT..It took me ten whole years bitch.”

Many of Bardi’s critics like to refer to the star as an overnight success but that’s simply untrue. She hustled as an underground rapper before striking a deal on Love & Hip-Hop, which elevated her to be able to reach these heights. Cardi B has always had it in her. We’re just seeing it now.