on Damon Dash getting hit with a $50M dollar lawsuit with accusations of sexual assault. Since the claims have been made, Damon Dash responded to it all Instagram, calling his accuser’s attorney Christopher Brown, a “culture vulture” in a lengthy rant. “He is now trying to start the black Harvey Weinstein me too movement against me and he is representing another lawsuit with another allegation. #ChrisBrownTheLawyer I’m gonna deal with this on a beach in Hawaii … I will not be extorted… check your mans Collar at the end wait for it …more depositions with #chrisBrownthelawyer coming soon!” shared Dash his social media account. 

According to reports by TheBlast, Damon Dash was hit with some not-so-good news recently as high-powered attorney Christopher Brown unveiled that “other women have now contacted my office to address their past dealings with Mr. Dash” thanks to the angered music mogul’s online rant. He also addressed the rumours started by Dash which claimed that he was under investigation by the FBI. Brown explained that his dealings with the FBI tie to him representing an accuser in the highly prolific R.Kelly sexual assault case. So the plot thickens and we can tell these two are heading into quite the heated battle.