G Herbo is disinfecting his home in order to hopefully get his son sometime soon.
This quarantine has forced many people to adjust to the mask-wearing new normal that has swept the world, but on the surface, seems to be dealing with things quite nicely. We’ve seen him enjoying time with his with each other and post photos on social media, but Herbo chatted with TMZ to share that he’s been a tad heartbroken because he hasn’t been able to see his two-year-old son in two months.

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The PTSD rapper spoke with the outlet vis FaceTime and said that his ex, Ari Fletcher, lives in Atlanta and has been taking care of their son Yosohn. “Pretty much a lot of video calls and FaceTimes,” G Herbo said. , since things are dying down, a little bit on my end I’ve been able to come home and get my house together. I was on tour before this, my tour actually got canceled because of the coronavirus so I haven’t been home in months, so I’m able to come home and get my house together and disinfect everything so hopefully, I can try to go out and get him soon.”
If it takes for Herbo to , he’s prepared to do just that. “I’m definitely working on trying to get him,” he addded. “He’s growing. Time doesn’t wait on anyone. A month, two months. That’s a long time to not see your kid.” We hope G Herbo is reunited with his baby boy sooner than later. Watch a clip of his interview below.