Introducing The Dynamic Duo of Know Your Platform Podcast: Meet Jeremiah Jacksun and David Lewis III

We warmly welcome our esteemed visitors to Hiphopsince1987. It is our pleasure to introduce the incredibly talented Jeremiah Jacksun, who has garnered widespread recognition for his outstanding abilities as an indie artist. Recently, Redx magazine named him the “Top Indie Artist of 2022,” and Digital Journal recognized his authentic and emotionally charged music as Grammy-worthy. We are equally honored to introduce our second guest, David Lewis III- a distinguished motivational speaker, accomplished mentor, and podcast host. Together, these two inspiring individuals comprise the driving force behind the Know Your Platform Podcast, bringing forth their passion, expertise, and awe-inspiring talent. Prepare to be enlightened, inspired, and thoroughly impressed by their dynamic partnership.

IMG_20230205_223806 Introducing The Dynamic Duo of Know Your Platform Podcast: Meet Jeremiah Jacksun and David Lewis III

Q1: Welcome to Hiphopsince1987! We’re so excited to have you here. Can you share with us what sparked your journey to venture into podcasting together? We are eager to hear your story and are convinced that it will be an inspiration to our audience.

Jeremiah: I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt appreciation for the invitation to us to be a part of this. So the podcast started in 2021 without David’s involvement. However, I felt it necessary to prioritize mental health and share my personal story with the listeners, including both positive and negative experiences. After my narrative concluded, a two-year hiatus followed before reaching out to David, my dear friend and “brother from another mother,” to join me for the second season.

David: Cheers for hosting us and to add on to Jay’s spiel- we had a chit-chat over the phone and hit it off discussing the prospect of me hopping on board. I thought to myself, “What a marvelous opportunity!’ I was always keen on starting a podcast and I figured this would be the perfect platform to assist others with their dilemmas.

Q2: It would be amazing to know what insightful discussions grace your podcast. Mind sharing some of the scintillating topics you cover.

Jeremiah: We talk about all things mental health, navigating the murky waters of relationships, and occasionally stir the pot with some juicy situational dilemmas.

David: Yeah, we’re like a bunch of detectives, constantly delving into the mysteries of everyday life.

Q3: How has the podcast impacted the lives of listeners?

David: It’s like a secret superhero, swooping in to save the day-to-day struggles of the people. We’ve received online feedback that proves that this is kicking down the doors of topics normally considered taboo or awkward.

Jeremiah: Yeah, I completely agree! Season 1 was the time when I felt the most vulnerable, and I shared some of the darkest moments. However, reading through the feedback in countless emails and other sources online, you can truly feel the genuine transformation taking place. It’s amazing to see people getting inspired to start their own healing journeys.

Q4: What advice would Jeremiah Jacksun and David Lewis III give to aspiring podcasters?

Jeremiah: Creating a podcast requires more than simply recording oneself talking on a microphone. It involves a distinct logo and name, as well as well-planned talking points, an engaging introduction and interesting conclusion. This process should not be viewed as a means of becoming wealthy quickly, and it necessitates cultivating patience as well as staying focused on one’s passion. When passion is at the forefront, financial success is likely to follow.

David: In my humble opinion, launching a podcast requires a whole lotta drive ( and not just the kind you take when visiting friends). It’s like any other venture in life- a process that won’t make you an overnight sensation. But if you put your nose to the grindstone and find a kindred spirit who shares your passion and drive, there’s no limit to where you can go. So let the power of drive and passion take wheel as you zoom past everyone else on the road to greatness!


 Instagram: @jeremiahjacksun



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I am Stanley, an online marketer and senior contributor at Disruptmagazine, FoxInterviewer, Redxmagazine, IndiePulseMusic, 24Hiphop, Limitless Magazine and Hiphopsince1987. Reach out to me at [email protected] for PR inquiries.