Joss Favela's Quarantine Playlist: Exclusive

Joss Favela is hunkered down in his native Sinaloa, Mexico, where he’s self-isolating during the coronavirus pandemic.

The regional Mexican singer-songwriter is only hopeful that these difficult circumstances “bring new times,” he says, while encouraging his fans to follow the health organizations recommendations such as social distancing and washing your hands.

Meanwhile, Favela is listening to artists like Rubén Blades, Calle 13, Natti Natasha, Marco Antonio Solís and Alejandro Fernández.

Below, he shares his quarantine 20-song melancholic playlist exclusively with Billboard.

Listen to Favela’s playlist:

Basic protective measures against the novel coronavirus, according to WHO, include washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. For more information about COVID-19 visit the WHO or CDC websites.

Joss Favela's Quarantine Playlist: Exclusive