With the daily news dump full of darkness and dread, we could all use some smiles and light right about now. Cue 97-year-old WWII navy pilot Chuck Franzke, who popped up on the Good News Movement Instagram account on Monday with a spirited dance to Justin Timberlake‘s “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” that caught the attention of JT himself.
With the bubbly Trolls track playing in the background, “Dancing Chuck” emerges from inside his quarantine in Wisconsin and does a hip-swaying dance in the shadow of his American flag. The post tags JT “so he sees this cutie” and, mission accomplished, the singer did indeed reply with a “this just made my day,” followed by praise hands, fire and 100 emoji.
According to People, it’s not the first time Franzke has put a smile on people’s faces. In 2017, he went viral for a dance to “Jingle Bells” that included some fancy mime work and a cane drop.
What Franzke bust a a move below.