Kim Kardashian’s eldest daughter, North West, has seemingly inherited her parent’s expensive taste when it comes to fashion. The mother-daughter duo were recently spotted clutching some designer bags while exiting the Kardashian’s private jet. The mother of four was sporting a sleek, all-black ensemble. Whereas North showed some love to her dad’s home team with a Chicago Bulls tee paired with jeans.
Kim coordinated her high-end, all-black look with a black crocodile Hermès Kelly bag. The luxury bag is a favorite among the rich and famous. Typically, a Hermès bag retails over $40,000, Page Six reports. However, North seems to opt for a more colorful choice. The 10-year-old was sporting a vintage Louis Vuitton travel bag with a cherry print.
Kim And North Were Returning From A Recent Trip To Japan
The publication also reported that the pair returned from a girls’ trip to Japan. The reality star recently shared some BTS footage of their recent expedition. Similar to her father, North’s eccentric style was all on display. The young girl was photographed sporting two Rapunzel-style braids and a custom kimono while immersing herself in the local culture.
The pair seems to have had a blast with one another. North even took things a step further and decided to channel her dad’s early 00s style. In a TikTok video posted to her account, North pulled some inspiration from one of Kanye’s early interviews. The tween skipped through the streets of Tokyo wearing a green button-up shirt under a classic striped orange and blue polo and jeans. She was also seen lip-syncing to Estelle’s smash hit “American Boy.” Ironically, the song features Ye and discusses Estelle’s desire to meet a man who can take her around the world. It’s similar to how Kim and North traveled to an unfamiliar place across the globe.
Read More: Drake And Kim Kardashian Reignite Affair Allegations Made By Kanye West