Latin Artists Tackling Coronavirus With Humor: Thalia, Chiquis & More

As we face the challenging global pandemic of the coronavirus, people are staying home to help prevent the spread of the outbreak. Many people are using their quarantine time to telecommute, binge-watch a series, read a book or, a new favorite, enjoy a virtual concert.

Latin music artists, such as Thalia, Chiquis and Emilia Mernes, are not only spending time at home but also adding a touch of humor to ease tension and panic. Emilio Estefan Jr., for example, went to his manicurist in a trash bag, while Chiquis dances to Bad Bunny’s “Yo Perreo Sola” as she disinfects her home.

Watch more videos below.


With a sword in hand, Thalia says she’s ready for whatever! “Balance, strength, focus, and certainty in all our bodies,” she wishes her followers.


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¡Lista para lo que sea! ¡Balance, fuerza, enfoque y certeza en todos nuestros cuerpos! Enfoque y precisión a niveles físico, emocional y espiritual en estos tiempos. Y pensemos en PLURAL no en singular. Lo que hagamos desde YA afectará a todos. Es tiempo de hogar, de familia y de valorar los minutos de cada uno de nuestros días. Es momento de regresar a la raíz de todo, a lo simple y básico del ser. ¡Busquemos refugio para todos con los que amamos! Juegos, pláticas, risas, música, amor, amor y más amor. El universo, DIOS y la energía nos avisan hoy que los poderes que reinan en esta tierra quedan anulados ante este su poder. Ni el gobierno, ni la ciencia, ni la medicina, ni la armada… nada puede con el plan divino que nos ha parado en seco, para recordarnos lo indispensable de vida como la fe, la paz y la familia, los momentos en el PRESENTE, la salud, la oración o meditación, la respiración, el respeto y el cuidado por el otro. Así que, de la mano vamos todos. Es crucial que nos quedemos en casa para no propagar más el virus. ¡EN CASA! Vamos guerreros que todos podemos.⚔️ #FlattenTheCurve

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Gloria Estefan captured the moment her husband and music executive Emilio Estefan Jr. wore a trash bag to visit his manicurist. “There’s a fine line between caution and paranoia,” she wrote.


Meanwhile, Chiquis is dancing to Bad Bunny’s “Yo Perreo Sola” as she cleans and disinfects her entire home amid the outbreak.


Emilia is spending her quarantine time on TikTok, filming silly videos of her dancing like the one below.


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Secuelas de la cuarentena @tiktok

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Meanwhile, Leslie Grace is checking out the floor plans for her new home in outer space “just in case it’s all really over.”


With her boxing gloves ready, Mexican singer Paulina Rubio has her guard up, is fearless and is taking precaution in times of coronavirus.


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Happy Friday ! Feliz Viernes ! Feliz fin de Semana…#laguardiaarriba #nofear #sinmiedos #precaución #newgoldenage ❤️

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Since its outbreak at the end of 2019 in Wuhan, China, more than 1530,000 people have contracted the disease, resulting in more than 5,700 deaths according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The disease has reached more than 140 countries and 46 U.S. states.

Basic protective measures against the novel coronavirus, according to WHO, include washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

For more information about covid-19 visit the WHO or CDC websites.

Latin Artists Tackling Coronavirus With Humor: Thalia, Chiquis & More