What is your name and what city do you rep?
My name is Omni Alien and I am from Crescent City, California.
Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?
The most recent song I’ve put out is called “No Love” and was hosted by The Game. The song is going to appear on my upcoming LP Progressions. The main focus of these songs is to illustrate my growth as a person and as an artist.
What is unique about you and your music?
I believe what makes me unique is my content and who I am. I focus on bringing growth and positivity to my fan base. At times I may talk about the negative and the materialistic but my main focus is on moving forward.
What shaped your music?
The artists that I grew up listening to shapes a lot about my style. I grew up on a very eclectic music taste. From Bay Area rap, to alternative rock, classic rock, R&B, country, pop and really anything you can think of. I’m really just a big fan of music.
What inspires you to write music?
Expression of self has always been something that has inspired me. The ability to tell my story and relate to others has been something constant for me.
What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about?
When I’m not making music I’m usually working on a different business or investment. I like to work and I love to help others. Anime, comic books, video games, movies, and just about all things considered somewhat “nedry” are usually on my lists of interests as well.
Happiness to you is…
Happiness to me is peace. I’ve struggled with mental issues for a large portion of my life and I’ve learned that good health is key to happiness. Peace in mind, body and spirit lead to happiness.
What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out?
Something I wish people would understand when creating music is that it’s about a reflection of self and what you think people want to hear. Be the best version of you and you will succeed.
Tell us about your upcoming projects…
As far as upcoming projects I have an album coming out this month (February) called “Progressions”. I like my music to grow as I do and it is really just a project with 11 songs that reflect what I was feeling when I wrote them. I’m calling it “Progressions”, because the music is showing that I am a more polished artist, but not done growing.
Where do we find you music / music projects?
You can find all my projects on iTunes and all of the other major platforms:
Twitter: @Omnialien
Facebook: http://www.omnialien.com/
IG: @omnialien
YouTube: OmniAlienMusic
Any last words for the readers?
I just want my chance to help move the world forward into peace and prosperity by helping people to better understand themselves. My mission is to inspire peace, love and creativity through art.