Memorial Day 2020: Ultimate Latin Playlist

Summer officially kicks off on June 20 this year, but the Memorial Day weekend is considered by many to be the unofficial start of the season.

As tradition holds, Memorial Day is the last Monday in May, this year falling on Monday, May 25th. The U.S. federal holiday honors and commemorates all the fallen heroes while serving in the country’s armed forces.

Memorial Day is observed by visiting memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. The long weekend is also associated with BBQs, a refreshing beach day or a much-needed day of relaxation.

Most of this year’s holiday festivities might be affected due to the current global pandemic, which is why Billboard put together a list of recent Latin summer anthems that will help you unofficially kick off summer from Club Quarantine.

From Maluma’s “ADMV” to Lunay’s “La Cama (Remix),” listen to it below: