Minivan Rock Songs Poll: Vote for Your Favorite

The only trip music lovers can go on now is down memory lane — especially to a time when long road trips called for the best nostalgia-inducing pop-rock radio hits.

Whether the road lasted “A Thousand Miles” like Vanessa Carlton‘s emotive piano melody or the Mapquest directions were as “Complicated” as Avril Lavigne‘s No. 2 Billboard Hot 100 pop-punk anthem, the journey sounded more exciting than the destination. And what’s a better track to start off the playlist than John Mayer‘s “No Such Thing,” when he begins with the tire-screeching line “Welcome to the real world!”

But a left or right turn doesn’t compare to the turn-of-the-century post-grunge track “Hanging by a Moment” by Lifehouse, which became 2001’s most-played song thanks to its FM versatility. In an exclusive interview with Billboard, frontman/guitarist Jason Wade said he found the term “minivan rock” so fitting “because the first time that I ever heard ‘Hanging By a Moment’] on the radio, I was in a minivan, going to a show — I think we were in Jacksonville at the time, like, 2000-2001.”

Billboard already signaled our 50 greatest minivan rock songs, but which song from our top 10 do you still jam out to in your car in 2020? Vote below!