Sofia Reyes Shares Quarantine Playlist: 'A Dance With Myself'

Sofia Reyes shared with Billboard her ultimate quarantine playlist, appropriately titled “A Dance With Myself.”

While self-isolating, music is keeping the Mexican pop singer-songwriter company, and she’s listening to songs like “Sunflower” by Harry Styles and C. Tangana and Rosalía‘s “Antes de Morirme.”

“I love these songs and they transport me to the beautiful moments in my life,” Reyes tells Billboard. “I hope you enjoy them from your home.”

Warner Latin’s “Mi Casa, Tu Casa” livestream made its debut April 4 on YouTube, with Reyes as their first artist to host a digital gathering and intimate mini-performance from the comfort of her home.

“Let’s stay home, wash our hands, eat healthy, drink lots of water and relax,” Reyes says at the end of her performance. “We are all in this together even tho sometimes we may feel lonely at home. We’re all living through this and are here to support each other.”

Listen to Reyes’ playlist below:

Basic protective measures against the novel coronavirus, according to WHO, include washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing at least three feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. For more information about COVID-19 visit the WHO or CDC websites.

Sofia Reyes Shares Quarantine Playlist: 'A Dance With Myself'