Future “Spider-Man” films under the Disney umbrella may be a huge possibility based on a recent comment by Sony Pictures chairman Tom Rothman.
Fans who raved over Marvel’s new version of Spider-Man almost started a riot last year when it was announced that Sony and Disney were at odds when it came to Spidey’s place in the MCU. Thankfully, the disagreement was short-lived and the — we might even have to for that one! However, many felt like that deal only covered the upcoming Spider-Man movie set for 2021 and an appearance in at least one more Avengers-style Marvel film. Well, the MCU may see more Peter Parker in the unforeseeable future as well thanks to a slight confirmation by Sony Pictures chairman Tom Rothman.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images
It would be pretty hard to rush towards recreating the synergy of the Spider-Man Far From Home cast, seen above together at the Hollywood premiere of the film last summer. For the sake of fans, it appears that won’t be happening too soon based off a recent Studio Executives Roundtable talk hosted by The Hollywood Reporter featuring Netflix’s Scott Stuber, Toby Emmerich of Warner Bros, Universal rep Donna Langley, Paramount’s Jim Gianopulos, Amazon rep Jennifer Salke, Alan Horn sitting in for Disney and Tom Rothman heading the Sony side.
When asked if the Disney/Sony partnership would continue after the upcoming sequel, Rothman gave a quick “I hope so,” explaining further with the following quote:
“I think this was a classic win-win-win. I think it was a win for Sony. I think it was a win for Disney. And I think it was a win for fans and moviegoers. The only thing I would say about that is that news cycles and the rhythm of negotiations do not necessarily overlap.”
The last part was in response to the early headlines and premature information the media was quick to report on in regards to their negotiations, which he cleared up by saying, “I think we would have gotten there, and the news got ahead of some things.”
Watch the full interview below, where they get to talking about Spider-Man at the 16:38 mark: