Tinder’s growing it’s safety features.
Almost everyone knows of a Tinder date gone wrong. Some dates may have been more comical while others not so much as it turned out to be a bad situation with someone you hardly know. The latter is the reason why Tinder is upping it’s safety features on the app by introducing a panic button and check-in, The Wall Street Journal reports.

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According to the publication, Match Group Inc. (Tinders parent company) is set to rollout Noonlight by the end of the month. The new feature will track a user’s location and will have the ability to notify the police. Before a Tinder user goes on a date, they simply have to log information on details of where and who the person they are meeting. If an alert is triggered, Noonlight will share the information and location with the police. Once you hit the trigger, Noonlight will ask for a code. If a code is not entered, a text will be sent. If the text does not receive a response, the user will receive a call. If there’s no answer (or if there is and help is needed) police will be sent to the location.
“You should run a dating business as if you are a mom,” Match Group Chief Executive Mandy Ginsberg explained. “I think a lot about safety, especially on our platforms, and what we can do to curtail bad behavior. There are a lot of things we tell users to do. But if we can provide tools on top of that, we should do that as well.”