It isn’t uncommon for two celebrities to be deemed lookalikes, but the internet gave us a chin-scratcher this week. A bit of a debate was sparked on social media after someone shared the looked like Marilyn Monroe. The person shared a side-by-side photo of the rapper and the actress and wrote tha. Later, the person added, “The K*nnedy family tried to end Marilyn and she came back reincarnated as an even badder b*tch. Let’s talk about it.” And “talk about it” the internet did, indeed.

There were tens of thousands of responses on various social media platforms, including an overlay of the two picutres, and while the quick answer is to say the two women don’t resemble each other at all,. The chatter ignited a wildfire of celebrity comparisons, some of which are highly unlikely. Will Ferrell and Amy Schumer, Paula Jai Parker and Fairuza Balk, and 

Check out a few reactions regarding Trina and Marilyn below along with other famous lookalike comparisons.