Tristan Thompson’s relationship with the woman claiming he fathered her child has been revealed.
Tristan Thompson finds himself in paternity rumors again. A woman named Kimberly Alexander is claiming that the NBA star is the father of her child, . Kimberly claims Thompson and ex Khloe Kardashian falsified the test results, leading to a cease and desist letter to be filed against her by the two.
While Thompson denies being the father, a new report reveals that the NBA star did hook up with the woman, but it happened back in 2011-2012 during his rookie season. Thompson claimed it would be impossible for him to be the father because Kimberly’s child is about 4 or 5 and the timeline would not add up. The hookup happened, Thompson clarified, before him and Khloe Kardashian were together.
Khloe reportedly is only involved in the situation because of the false claims made about her regarding the DNA test.

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Tristan doesn’t appear to be lying, seeing as though the first DNA test results came back negative. Kimberly is requesting a second DNA test be conducted and Tristan agreed.
This new baby drama for Tristan comes after Khloe just Wednesday after rumors began to swirl she was expecting with her ex.