Kobe Bryant is one of the biggest legends in the entire history of the NBA and earlier this year, . Kobe left behind an incredible legacy that extended way past the game of basketball. For instance, Bryant was able to win himself an Oscar in the short years following his retirement, while also helping to create numerous children’s and teen books. 

Kobe used to always love dedicating his books to those around him and recently, Vanessa Bryant took to Instagram with one of her favorite book dedications. As you can see in the post below, Kobe dedicated a book to his wife, saying: “For Vanessa. Thank you for always being the Realist to my Dreamer.”

In her own Instagram caption, Vanessa wrote: “Always learning from the best. My Boo-Boo, my Dreamer.” Ever since Kobe’s passing, Vanessa has posted numerous tributes to her husband, and fans have been finding comfort in her memories of the NBA legend. This has been a hard year for numerous reasons and in a way, Vanessa has helped people remember her husband in the best way possible.

Hopefully, the families of all of the victims are able to find peace in these trying times.