Anthony Hopkins Does 'Toosie Slide' On TikTok

Anthony Hopkins has an Oscar. He’s 82 and, if we’re being honest, clearly living his best life. While we’re all locked down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hopkins has taken some time in quarantine to see what the kids are up to on TikTok.

And he did it in the most perfect way possible: by showing us all how to properly do the dance to Drake‘s “Toosie Slide.” You know, right foot up, left foot slide. He gets it. And he doesn’t just want to prove to you that he gets it, he wants Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone to do it too.

“Hey, Mr Stallone, keep writing! Good part for me in it? Gimme a part, major – huh?” Hopkins said, before tossing off a reference to Ahnuld’s pet donkey Lulu, and his Terminator tagline: “I’ll be back” and doing a bit of a boxing shuffle.

Check out Sir Ant’s TikTok below.

@anthonyhopkins##Drake I’m late to the party… but better late than never. @oficialstallone @arnoldschnitzel ##toosieslidechallenge♬ original sound – officialanthonyhopkins