Yes. You read the headline correctly.
While we synonymously associate Diddy with the brand Sean John, and while yes, he was the founder, the owner of the company is actually GBG USA. And according to reports, Sean John (under GBG’s ownership) released a women’s clothing line that used Diddy’s image and likeness – without his consent!
Quick with the lawsuit, Diddy filed in the borough of Manhattan this past Thursday, Feb. 4th, claiming Sean John, Missguided and GBG “fabricated quotes” that made it seem he was involved with the whole collaboration. He also claims that the press was “manipulated” with statements that he allegedly said.
In addition to his image being used in photos, it was also used in a 40-second video ad campaign. Geesh.
“[Sean John, GBG and Missguided] are using the Unapproved Material, which contains false or misleading representations of fact, to promote and sell the items in the GBG Collection because they understand that associating it with Mr. Combs will significantly increase sales and profits,” stated Didy’s lawyer, Johnathan Davis.
Image below via AllHipHop.