Dr. Dre’s Estranged Wife Is Now Under Investigation!

dr-dre-nicole-young-coh Dr. Dre's Estranged Wife Is Now Under Investigation!

The plot thickens.

As we continue to follow the very public dispute between Dr. Dre and his estranged wife, Nicole Young, it seems as though the rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper. New reports have revealed that Larry Chatman, who is Dre’s right hand man in business, has claimed Nicole withdrew THOUSANDS from a business account without authorization!

The total amount she’s allegedly embezzeld? $385,029.

Detectives are now investigating. As for Dre, while he wasn’t the one who filed the report, he did, at some point, call Nicole out for withdrawals totaling that same amount.

These allegations also come not too long after Nicole requested a $1.5M payment for covering expenses including security personnel. In her defense, her lawyers validate the cost of security due to the death threats she’s received since their whole debacle went public.
