Exclusive Interview: ‘The King of Instrumental Pop’ Dom Okon Answers Some Questions About His New Album Emergent

Well – known musician Dom Okon has had massive success with his debut album Youthly. This November, he plans to follow up that success with the release of his sophomore album Emergent. In hopes that it could produce another iTunes Charting hit for the artist.

Check out more about The King of Instrumental Pop and his new album Emergent below:

How did you come up with the title of this album?

Well, I felt like it was appropriate to name the album Emergent because I felt like I was and still am emerging from my childhood days. I’m a young adult who’s almost an adult and feel like I’m still growing and emerging in a sense.

What is the genre for the Emergent album?

It’s going to be Pop. It won’t sound like the Youthly album but it will be within the same genre.

344349364_156518390710602_4392110600727565707_n-500x500 Exclusive Interview: ‘The King of Instrumental Pop’ Dom Okon Answers Some Questions About His New Album Emergent

Was it difficult coming up with the songs on the record?

A little bit but not really. Just like my previous album, I knew what songs I liked immediately and the songs that I didn’t. That being said, I would say I took my time on this album to make it sound great and that was neither a difficult or easy process.

What is your favorite song on this album?

I can’t say I have one favorite song. I love three tracks on this album and they are Emergent, Stronger Than Yesterday and I’ve Fully Emerged.

Are there any collaborations on this album at all?

No. All songs were written by me and I did not collaborate with any other artists on any of the songs on this record.

Do you think any tracks on the Emergent album will chart on iTunes?

I don’t really have the answer to that. All I can say is I hope so. I’ve worked really hard on this album.

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