There’s still more than a lot left for Prxscott to say. The artist who’s been taking a step back from his recording career to focus on other things, including writing another book, is producing art that’s as relevant as art can be in these crazy times. He’s got a message for up-and-coming artists, too.
One of the defining things about Prxscott, or at the very least the thing that somewhat defined his artistic output, is the part of his life that he spent in his native Oregon. The state, which is politically progressive but racially still a bit too homogenous in its paleness, is the setting of his latest book, “Black People in Oregon?” He’s also had the most fun performing in the state, as well as collaborating with other rappers.
So staying true to their roots aside, the thing that Prxscott would say matters the most to anyone just making their first steps in a music career would be consistency. Maybe not as consistent as Prxscott, who is well known for his strictness when it comes to his art; the man is his own worst critic, that’s for sure.
However, being consistent in their output would allow the younger rappers to start building a fan base. That’s what it’s all about, getting people to listen, to understand, to identify with the music. As for his other piece of advice, he recommends having a good crew, a support team that might take care of some of the business parts of the whole thing. Managers manage while creators create, and that’s how things should be.
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