Based in Miami, Florida, the businessman turned musician Steven Scope is looking to make a name for himself in the music industry. Currently an independent artist, Scope does everything himself, from producing and singing to handling the marketing. This one-person show is a force not to be reckoned with as he won’t let anything get in the way of him and his dreams. Having recently released a couple of songs on Spotify, including “About You,” Scope gives a preview of what is to be expected going forward.
“About You” is some of Scope’s best work to date and hits on the subject of heartbreak and constantly thinking about the one you’re missing. Pulling at heartstrings left and right, Scope’s melodic flow meshes perfectly with the slow yet captivating beat.
“About You” is not at for the faint of heart as Steven Scope’s raw emotions pour through with every line. Check out Steven and his most recent work if you enjoyed “About You.”
Stream Steven Scope’s “About You” on Spotify here.
Follow Steven Scope on Instagram here.